1. Start Chrome then enter chrome://extensions/ as a URL
  2. Ensure that the "Developer mode" checkbox in the top right-hand corner is checked.
  3. Go to https://www.autograph.me
  4. Scroll down and tap on the 'manually Install’ button
  5. Down load the zip file
  6. Unzip the file on your desktop
  7. Enter chrome://extensions/ as a URL
  8. Tap on “Load Unpacked” button in upper left corner
  9. Navigate to the “cloakExtension” folder (unzipped in #6)
  10. Tap on Select, the extension will install
  11. You should now see the autoGraph ‘a’ icon on the upper right side of the browser
  12. Tap on it, you will see autoGraph Connect, Sign in and get started
autoGraph Connect™: Personal Data Cloaking – Privacy & Personalization
Our personal data privacy extension allows you to cloak & protect your online identity yet share your preferences with any website.
Now you can quickly sign up for new accounts, brochures, or coupons with a cloaked email identity and never have to worry about whether your personal data is safe.

The autoGraph Connect™ extension is simple and easy to use.  When asked to log in, simply right-click and we will provide a cloaked email address that doesn’t identify you.

Being anonymous or incognito on the web can be a poor experience.  Who says you can’t have personal data privacy and personalization?

We give you the tools to create a personal profile while cloaking your personal data to protect your identity. It takes less than a minute to configure.

The autoGraph Connect™ extension is so much easier than typing in your email address and many websites don’t need your personal data or online identity anyway. 

The websites you visit can customize your experience, individualize their offers, or recommend their best products but they won’t know who you are.

With autoGraph Connect™, you still get email newsletters, personalization and content but you don’t have to give out your personal data. We give you the best of both worlds – personalization and privacy.

Stop spam and phishing because your email address and personal data is never exposed. If a website you’ve registered with gets breached, your personal data and identity is safe. Plus, you can manage all of your subscriptions with one control panel. 

Install this extension today and see how easy it is to control your personal data and protect your online identity.

At autoGraph, we are dedicated to consumer data privacy and rebalancing the relationship between consumers and their preferred apps and website providers. Personal Data Cloaking currently supports email addresses but soon we are adding functionality to protect your phone number and even physical addresses.

Your personal data. Your online identity... Your control.

© 2020  autoGraph Inc

Seattle, Washington